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Whats your story?


Updated: Mar 26, 2023

Our lives are a series of stories, and whether its a hollywood box-set or more like the Archers is completely down to you! Lists and instructions are the communication method of the conscious world - and have varied success at instigating change. For understanding and then transformation to take place we need our unconscious mind to be tuned in, and to do that we need stories - to inspire, to learn and to provide motivation.

Why stories are central to coaching

Who prefers to feel in charge of their decision making about their lives? I know I do and its more effective to discover the answers for ourselves, however difficult the journey may be, and feel empowered as a result. How does it feel when you are told what to do? Like a teenager who ignores the advise of their parents and does the complete opposite, adults never lose this desire to make our own choices. For coaching to be effective its then pivotal for the coach to provide a safe environment and to be inquisitive, and the client to do the talking and be at the centre of the problem solving.

First, let's visualise what you want

Our stories are how we communicate with ourselves and with the world, and stories are a powerful way to create awareness of possible new choices for the listener. Vibrant stories told well help us to understand and empathise with others, to inspire, to learn, to share ideas, and be energised through these emotions. We effectively try an idea on for size, and so learning through stories creates options, new horizons and choice. So stories are the facilitators of possible changes in our behaviour and therefore our outcomes. Your vision should therefore be as vibrant and desirable as it possibly can be, then we move to the next step.

Let's create the new you

You, the client, have your vision, your own story of what you want – now to make it come alive. What then are the magic ingredients that you will create to give you the momentum to make a successful life change? .. 1. Be inspired and empowered to be the change; 2. To visualise and really feel the outcome to make it come alive; 3. Change the way you live your life right now, 4. Practice practice and practice again! embedding this new way of living until the 'new' becomes 'the norm'.

When it happens - it may feel like magic - yet ultimately, everything starts with your mind. Quite literally EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE, I know and so do my clients. As your integrated coach and therapist I use a variety of tools and techniques for supporting these different magic ingredients to come into play in ways that resonate for you. Because if you change the way you think, and you change your reaction to everything around you - you can live your story and truly change your life.

Get in touch today to begin your next chapter, there's no time to waste.

Jo Dakin, Integrative Coach and Therapist.

Boostas Coaching March 2023

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Jo Dakin

Integrative Life-Coach & Therapist

Boostas Coaching

West Parley, Dorset



Tel: +44 (0)7774-279413

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